We have taken great pains to ensure that any private information you provide us when placing your order is processed securely. All of your information, including your credit card number, name and address is encrypted with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology as it travels through the Internet. Therefore, even if the information is intercepted along the way, it appears as meaningless, undecipherable "jumble". For example, a credit card number would have an undecipherable look such as: $#*(&!(~~***^B)&%*. Privacy We collect only the information necessary to process and verify your billing and shipping information. At check out you have a choice of having your billing information recorded for use upon your return OR you can do a quick checkout that uses your information for your order only and is not kept for your return use. We will never sell your personal data to any third parties or use it ourselves unless you have signed up for our news/sales letter. |